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2030 字
11 分钟

步骤 1



Earth is round, like an orange. Oranges have a skin and Earth has a skin, too. We call this skin Earth's crust. Under the crust there is very hot rock. Earth's crust has different pieces. These pieces move very, very slowly. Millions of years ago, the pieces moved and made mountains. Under mountains the crust is thick, but under the ocean it's thinner. When two pieces of the crust move and meet, there can be earthquakes.


A volcano is a hole in Earth's crust. When a volcano erupts, hot rock flies out from under the ground, and melted rock pours out over the ground. Volcanoes under the ocean sometimes make new islands. In 1963, a volcano in the Atlantic Ocean made a new island called Surtsey. There are many different rocks in Earth's crust. They are millions of years old. The rocks are often different colors. In the Painted Desert in Arizona in the uSA, you can the different rocks.


Earth is round, like an orange. Oranges have a skin and Earth has a skin, too.

句子中涉及到了 roundskin 这样的生词,而原作者会通过关联的两个子句子来相互应证和相互呼应来简化初学者的理解成本和推理难度,从而使小孩子也可以阅读和理解这些生词。


  • 科学
  • 自然
  • 地球
  • 宇宙
  • 数学
  • 生物


步骤 2



Earth is round, like an orange. Oranges have a skin and Earth has a skin, too. We call this skin Earth's crust. Under the crust there is very hot rock. Earth's crust has different pieces. These pieces move very, very slowly. Millions of years ago, the pieces moved and made mountains. Under mountains the crust is thick, but under the ocean it's thinner. When two pieces of the crust move and meet, there can be earthquakes.


A volcano is a hole in Earth's crust. When a volcano erupts, hot rock flies out from under the ground, and melted rock pours out over the ground. Volcanoes under the ocean sometimes make new islands. In 1963, a volcano in the Atlantic Ocean made a new island called Surtsey. There are many different rocks in Earth's crust. They are millions of years old. The rocks are often different colors. In the Painted Desert in Arizona in the uSA, you can the different rocks.


The Sun Gives Us Light and Warmth

The Sun is very big and very hot. It is like a giant fireball in the sky. Just like a lamp lights up a room, the Sun lights up the Earth. This light helps us see during the day.

The Sun is not only bright; it is also warm. Imagine a warm blanket on a cold day. The Sun warms the Earth like the blanket warms you. This warmth is important because it helps plants grow.

Plants are very important. They are like little factories. They take sunlight and turn it into food. This process is called photosynthesis. When plants grow, they make oxygen, which is the air we need to breathe.

Animals, including humans, eat plants. So, the Sun helps plants grow, and then the plants help feed us and give us air to breathe. This shows how everything on Earth is connected.

Just like a big family, the Sun, plants, animals, and humans all need each other. The Sun starts this chain by giving light and warmth. This is why the Sun is very important to all living things on Earth.

你觉得足够趣味了吗?你觉得这样的文章的用词和隐含的语法知识,以及表述方式足够新手理解了吗? 如果你觉得足够简单,请在不作出任何解释和说明的情况下直接输出 {"pass": true}; 否则,如果你觉得需要改进,请输出 {"pass": false, "reason": ""},并将你觉得需要修改的原因和部分包含在 "reason" 字段中。

步骤 3



Earth is round, like an orange. Oranges have a skin and Earth has a skin, too. We call this skin Earth's crust. Under the crust there is very hot rock. Earth's crust has different pieces. These pieces move very, very slowly. Millions of years ago, the pieces moved and made mountains. Under mountains the crust is thick, but under the ocean it's thinner. When two pieces of the crust move and meet, there can be earthquakes.


  { "volcabulary": "round", "level": "2", "explain": "圆的", "category": "adjective", "grammar": { "category": "attribute" } },
  { "volcabulary": "skin", "level": "3", "explain": "皮肤", "category": "noun", "grammar": { "category": "object" } },
  { "volcabulary": "crust", "level": "5", "explain": "地壳", "category": "noun", "grammar": { "category": "object" } },
  { "volcabulary": "rock", "level": "1", "explain": "岩石", "category": "noun", "grammar": { "category": "object" } },
  { "volcabulary": "pieces", "level": "2", "explain": "片;块", "category": "noun", "attribute": { "plural": true }, "grammar": { "category": "object" } },
  { "volcabulary": "Millions", "level": "2", "explain": "数百万", "category": "numeral", "attribute": { "plural": true }, "grammar": { "category": "object" } }
  // ...


A volcano is a hole in Earth's crust. When a volcano erupts, hot rock flies out from under the ground, and melted rock pours out over the ground. Volcanoes under the ocean sometimes make new islands. In 1963, a volcano in the Atlantic Ocean made a new island called Surtsey. There are many different rocks in Earth's crust. They are millions of years old. The rocks are often different colors. In the Painted Desert in Arizona in the uSA, you can the different rocks.


  { "volcabulary": "volcano", "level": "4", "explain": "火山", "category": "noun", "grammar": { "category": "subject" } },
  { "volcabulary": "erupts", "level": "5", "explain": "喷发", "category": "verb", "grammar": { "category": "predicate" } },
  // ...


The Sun Gives Us Light and Warmth

The Sun is very big and very hot. It is like a giant fireball in the sky. Just like a lamp lights up a room, the Sun lights up the Earth. This light helps us see during the day.

The Sun is not only bright; it is also warm. Imagine a warm blanket on a cold day. The Sun warms the Earth like the blanket warms you. This warmth is important because it helps plants grow.

Plants are very important. They are like little factories. They take sunlight and turn it into food. This process is called photosynthesis. When plants grow, they make oxygen, which is the air we need to breathe.

Animals, including humans, eat plants. So, the Sun helps plants grow, and then the plants help feed us and give us air to breathe. This shows how everything on Earth is connected.

Just like a big family, the Sun, plants, animals, and humans all need each other. The Sun starts this chain by giving light and warmth. This is why the Sun is very important to all living things on Earth.


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